
Samantha May Just Be My Type.

Scripts fonts are generally not my thing... or so I thought.

Friday, June 15th, 2012

I wont pretend to be an authority on script fonts as I generally point my cursor in other typographic directions. They’re just not my type of type. That’s changed. No longer bound by the baggae of bad experiences with scripts, Samantha Script has set me free. Created by type designer Laura Worthington, Samantha is one seductive face. It’s soft and sensual yet feisty and daring. She’s everything I’m not which is why it works.
Aenean leo ligula, porttitor eu, consequat vitae, eleifend ac, enim.

Samantha has a buffet, over 2,700 glyphs in all, of open type options, ornaments and the very handy “catch words” version. Load this font and say goodbye to a few hours.

Samantha Catch Words.

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